Cultivating Gratitude
The AC Care Alliance Team expresses gratitude for participants, the impact of ACCA, and each other.
ACCA Brings Advance Care Planning to SF 8/11/2021
ACCA Receives Learning Journeys Community Grant to bring the Advance Care Planning discussion to members of the SF community.
ACCA Panelists for Reimagine - TABLE TALKS 10/21/2020
Reimagine-Table Talk
Taking Care Of Business: Advance Planning With Faith
Rev, Cynthia Carter Perrilliat, MPA and Pastor Brondon Reems
“Choosing to Prepare” Virtual Convening 9/30/20
Pastors, physicians and faith leaders discuss your personal power during a pandemic. We explore our common destiny of caring for people and the importance of advance care planning.
5th Annual Caregiver Recognition Celebration, 11/10/19
During National Family Caregivers Month, we are so grateful to be able to honor caregivers in our churches and communities. Together, as one community, we recognize their tireless efforts to help our loved ones in their time of need. Each and every day is a blessing to have caregivers in our lives.
ACCA Participates in EndWell Symposium
ACCA Executive Director, Cynthia Carter Perrilliat, participated in a panel discussion on Future care: Giving + Getting at the End Well Symposium on December 7, 2017 in San Francisco.