Caregiver Support

Throughout your life you may take on many different roles: Daughter. Father. Sibling. Cousin. Spouse. Mother-in-Law. Friend. Neighbor. Caregiver.

Sometimes becoming a caregiver happens quickly. A friend or relative goes in for surgery, has an accident, or is suddenly diagnosed with serious illness or chronic condition. Within moments you may find yourself going to the hospital to support your loved one, driving to the pharmacy to pick up medications, arranging the house in a way they can move around, or taking them to their follow-up medical appointments. Other times becoming a caregiver happens gradually. A friend or relative is getting older and their health begins to decline. You may find yourself helping them out more and more around the house, accompanying them on errands or medical appointments, cooking meals, picking them up for church or for visits to friends and family, helping them pay their bills, or making sure they can move around around safely. You may be asking yourself, “Am I a Caregiver?” You may be feeling lost. Overwhelmed. Tired. Emotional. Isolated. Unsure what to do next. The AC Care Alliance (ACCA) can help.

The AC Care Alliance has long recognized the important role that caregivers play in the lives of individuals with chronic, serious, and advanced illnesses. This is especially true for unpaid family caregivers who often regularly support their person needing care and face uncertainty in decision-making and in what will come next. We want to ensure caregivers have the support they need to better help their person needing care, and also support their own personal needs, physical health, and well-being. You are never alone in this caregiving journey.

Through the ACCA Advanced Illness Care Program (AICP), Care Navigators work with caregivers to identify and address their needs within the Five Cornerstones of Health, Spiritual, Advance Care Planning, Social, and Caregiving needs. Care Navigators help identify trusted resources to support the caregiver and their person needing care. They also provide training to the caregiver to conduct caregiving activities and care for themselves. Learn more about the AICP and contact us today to speak with a Care Navigator in your region.

Workbook for Caregivers

ACCA’s Workbook for Caregivers is a robust workbook full of tools to help Caregivers organize caregiving tasks, build a fellowship of people and organizations that can help, plan for difficult conversations that may occur, and take good care of themselves. The Workbook has an approachable feel, colorful illustrations, and worksheets with examples and easy-to-follow instructions.

Watch the videos below to hear from our Care Team on how to use the Workbook for Caregivers. Learn how useful the Workbook can be with examples from AICP participants and the Care Team’s own personal experiences. While the Workbook was designed to be used together with a Care Navigator in the AICP, it can also be used on your own. Connect with us to enroll in the AICP and receive support and training from an ACCA Care Navigator. Download your free digital copy of the Workbook for Caregivers today!

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